About Us

Youssef & Sana are pioneers in the stem cell industry & regenerative medicine. 
The power duo have developed a proprietary stem cell skin range and hair growth range. This is a robust treatment and game changer in the medical/beauty industry. This personalised treatment has gained intellectual property and approved by the world’s top academic institutes. Their treatments are unique as they focus on treating health from internally and externally. As their focus is on health and wellness, especially the hallmarks of aging and regenerative medicine. 

Youssef and Sana, utilising their innate entrepreneurial acumen, have established a biotechnology and pharmaceutical firm that specialises in the production of stem cells. Their expertise in this field extends to consultancy services and the establishment of global corporations. Regarding the Aesthetic Skin Cells Clinic, it offers a novel approach to inclusive skincare and hair regimens that incorporates recent breakthroughs in skin physiology, nutrition, and psychology. This innovative therapy is the result of extensive research, experimentation, and validation, and is at the forefront of stem cell therapy for numerous indications.Their guiding principle is centered around the concept of minimalism, emphasizing the maximisation of outcomes through streamlined processes.


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